Here you can download the average ultraviolet-to-radio SEDs of ALESS sub-millimeter galaxies, obtained in Section 6.1 in da Cunha et al. (2015).
Units: wavelength in microns; flux in mJy. Please refer to the paper for more details.
1. Average SED of the whole sample, optically-bright sample, and optically-faint sample (Figs. 11 & 12 of the paper): aless_average_seds.dat.
2. Average SEDs in bins of different physical parameters (Fig. 13 of the paper)
[bin1: lowest value; bin4: highest value; see paper for details]:
-redshift: aless_average_seds_z_bins.dat;
-observed 870µm flux: aless_average_seds_870um_bins.dat;
-average V-band dust attenuation: aless_average_seds_av_bins.dat;
-total dust luminosity: aless_average_seds_ldust_bins.dat.