Hidden Universe becomes one of the top 10 performing Australian documentaries of all time
ranked by total reported gross Australian box office as at January 2014.
[Large Format Films]
World Premiere of IMAX® 3D Film Hidden Universe
The 3D production Hidden Universe has been released in IMAX® theatres and giant-screen cinemas around the globe. [more info]
CAASTRO: The ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics
Swinburne Astronomy Productions has just teamed up with CAASTRO to promote the future of astronomy research. Watch
Dora the Explorer
Swinburne Astronomy Productions team up with Nickelodeon to send Dora the Explorer to the moon. See the full video here
Star Voyager: Exploring Space on Screen
On Mars 3D brings breathtaking Martian data to life for the ACMI Star Voyager Exhibition. Details
International Square Kilometre Array Animation
Swinburne 3D Productions, working with the International SKA Project Development Office have produced the latest visualisation of the SKA
- the radio telescope for the 21st century. Check it out here.
Bringing other worlds to life
Through advanced modelling and animation techniques, Swinburne 3D Productions prides itself on producing high quality visuals for any project.
We are a production group attached to the Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing. With over 10 years experience producing stereo-3D films, use of the Swinburne supercomputer and an in-house 2K digital cinema, we have a production tested pipeline. We work with clients from around the globe to produce beautiful scientific and non-science related content for cinema and television release.
Our content is seen by over 150,000 people each year in theatres around the world. Experts in science communication and advanced displays, we can design a stereographic theatre and/or a content package to suit your requirements.
Through movies, interactives, and our educational packages we aim to inspire a fascination with the universe.
