Profile image for Anais Moller

Dr Anais Moller

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Transient Astronomy
Doctorat de physique de l'Univers, Université Paris Diderot 7, France; Master 2 Noyaux, Particules, Cosmologie et Astroparticules (NPAC), Université Paris Diderot 7, France; Licenciatura en Física, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of


Dr. Anais Möller is an ARC DECRA Fellow and leads research in the areas of cosmology and transient astrophysics. To do so, she works with extremely large astronomical datasets. To maximize the information we can use to understand our Universe, she develops innovative tools with machine learning.

Dr. Möller leads Fink broker ( Fink has been awarded priviledged real-time access to transients in the largest optical survey in the world at the Vera C. Rubin Observatory. Fink selects the most exciting transients for a variety of science cases using data-intensive technologies and expands our understanding on extreme transients.

Dr. Möller constrains the nature of Dark Energy with Type Ia Supernovae (SNe Ia). SNe Ia are very energetic stellar explosions. They are the best “standardizable candles”: objects with reproducible luminosities, used to measure distances in the Universe and thus the effect of Dark Energy. She specialises in reducing current limitations to obtain orders of magnitude more SNe Ia than traditional methods and modelling selection biases, thus providing precise constraints on the nature of Dark Energy.

Dr. Möller studies multi-wavelength and messenger fast-transients. Fast transients include some of the most exotic explosions and collisions or mergers in the universe, involving black holes, magnetars, neutron stars, blitzars, extreme novae and supernovae. Her research includes the search for electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational waves as part of the Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (ARC CoE OzGrav), in which Dr. Möller is an Associate Investigator.

Dr. Möller develops high-end machine learning algorithms for astronomy and cosmology.  She works towards interpretability of ML and introduced Bayesian Neural Networks to astrophysical classification problems. ML is a powerful tool and she has developed various applications tackling transient event detection and light-curve classification. 

Research interests

Advanced Statistics and Big Data; Cosmology; GPU and advanced HPC algorithms; Scientific Computing and Visualisation

PhD candidate and honours supervision

Higher degrees by research

Accredited to supervise Masters & Doctoral students as Principal Supervisor.


Available to supervise honours students.

Honours topics and outlines

Exploring the realm of transients: Exploding stars and bursts of radiation, called transients due to their limited timespan, provide information on the extreme and fundamental physics of the Universe. They create chemical elements, stars and galaxies.  We will use Fink to explore ZTF data and study properties of transients including supernovae and new types. 

Transient classification with Machine Learning: We are entering into a new era for astronomy with surveys discovering millions transients per night. Transients appear suddenly and fade; enriching the Universe and outshining galaxies.In this project you will develop machine learning algorithms to select exotic transients.You will work with algorithms, simulations and data from optical surveys.Experience with ML is highly preferred.

Fields of Research

  • Cosmology And Extragalactic Astronomy - 510103
  • General Relativity And Gravitational Waves - 510105

Teaching areas



Also published as: Moller, Anais; Moller, A.; Moeller, A.; Moeller, Anais; Möller, A.; Möller, Anais
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Recent research grants awarded

  • 2023: Explosive Astrophysics from Siding Spring Observatory *; ARC Linkage Infrastructure and Equipment Scheme
  • 2023: Illuminating the dark Universe with explosive astrophysical events *; ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)

* Chief Investigator